The Comments

Readers impacted by our stories.

Printed books are in Large Print .

I am honoured by such honest and encouraging words.

If you are visiting for the first time, please spend a few moments to read the comments below, how these books have made others feel.

I am grateful that you took your time to post comments online where you purchased your books and to let me know how these books impacted you. 💖 Thank you. You warm my heart.

“…She puts her heart and soul on every page.”
~K. Long, caregiver, Alberta

“Is There Any Ice Cream?” and “Did You Hide the Cookies?”

Your books are so Real — they’re wonderful.”
~ Elizabeth Rogers, friend, journalist, writer

I read your books and really felt your words.
~ Ivonne Podobsky, Ontario

Your books are a treasure for caregivers, Judith.
We love promoting your story.” ~ AlzAuthors

“I finished your second book and both were very revealing about the challenges of caregiving.  Maybe a third book will come further down the line?  Must be very hard…” ~ C. Novak, M.D.

“These are the books to read if you, or anyone you know, is caring for a dementia patient. The author has written about her life as a caregiver….and she is a remarkable story teller. Ask your local library to secure these two books.” ~ Gen Burda, photographer

“Your honesty and intimate reflections helped me recognize how alike our journeys have been. It’s true…we are not alone.” ~ In a note from a website visitor

“You’re right, each person is different, but the similarities are abundant. Reading books like Is There Any Ice Cream and “Did You Hide the Cookiesby my friend Judy Allen Shone let me know I’m not alone. Could I relate? Absolutely! “
~ George Salter, caregiver, award-winning photographer

“Your two books left an impact on me that I will carry with me forever! You are an amazingly strong and caring woman!!” ~ Babs Mohnkern, former family caregiver

“The tender insights and encouragement laced with humor that Judith provides makes this a lovely read for anyone whose life has been affected by Alzheimer’s.” ~ @FinishingWellinLife on Twitter

I am a caregiver for my Love who is living with dementia, and have really enjoyed your books. I am thinking your [support] questions may be helpful with a few women I meet with on Zoom, especially for me personally.  Thank you for all you have done.” ~ J. Clark, spouse-caregiver

I’m almost finished with the first one and ready to start the second. I read a chapter a day. I really enjoy your very personal style of writing” 😊
~ Sheryll Aleskus, Facebook comment

“I am now reading your 2nd book and it is horrible what this disease can do. You are an amazing wife. I hope I learn your techniques and your patience. …I find it hard to read what you are having to deal with…” ~ Eileen E. ~spouse and family caregiver

“Judy Shone had a choice: to give up and feel defeated, self-pitying and morose OR to make over her life in a positive state of mind; moreover she determined to write a useful book (and more) on her experiences and how to cope when your love is there pretty much in body only. Judy is my hero.” ~ Marge Simon, award- winning author

“I have just finished reading your two books and wanted to thank you for writing them. I have no idea how you managed to write so well while being a full time carer! I am also a carer, for my wife who has young onset Alzheimer’s now age 65. There were so many of your situations I could identify with – the books were so useful as they provide such a detailed account of how you dealt with issues as they arose. I read about your books in the Oakville Beaver and watched your interview with Danielle. I think they will also give further insight for anyone dealing with carers….Keep up the good work.”
~ R.M., carer, comment through website

* (Please note the library submission information: “Request a Book” here)

More Comments

“Your book is an inspiration to spouse caregivers, Judy.”
~ Jean Lee, author of Alzheimer’s Daughter , former caregiver

“Essential Reading for All Caregivers.  I read this book because I was interested in knowing the path that Judy’s life had taken her since our days as high school classmates. I always knew that she had the qualities for being a ‘best friend’ (because she was!) but I had no idea she could express those same qualities–courage, knowledge, and humor–through her writing. If you are caring for someone with serious health issues, and you need someone who understands your ordeal and how to survive it, get this book and keep it on your nightstand. You’ll discover it’s the best friend you could have.” 
~ Robert Conrow, author & editor, high school friend of author.

“…I just love the honesty, humor and raw emotion you share in your story. As a caregiver, it really resonates with me. I can’t wait to read more!”
~ Susan Landeis, author, In Search of Rainbows, caregiver advocate

“An insightful look at how caregiving impacts the emotional and physical health of the caregiver. This offers a glimpse into the real life struggles of Alzheimer’s patients and their loved ones.” ~Suzy. Cohen, Amazon review

Judy, I have read and reread “Is There Any Ice Cream?”  Very moving!! . . . Your words impacted me because I have family members who have experienced this issue.” ~ Larry L. Burda, Beta reader, support for caregivers

“Oh my gosh life can be cruel. Your love is living a life you would not wish on your worst enemy and you have to watch it happen and deal with the aftermath and try to be a beautiful, caring, thoughtful, loving wife…” ~Eileen

“In “Did You Hide the Cookies?” Judith shows us what a deep well of compassion looks like and what is demanded of this compassion and love when you are a caregiver. She walks you through her personal minefield of helping someone with a disease that can’t be pinned down, can’t be predicted and can’t be understood.
Then she flips the coin and gets very real about the toll this role takes on the caregiver, offering herself as her model. She beautifully and painfully captures the unseen anguish and exhaustion of a caregiver.

You will learn from “Did You Hide the Cookies?” and you will identify and be validated in your own experiences with memory diseases.”My Love.” This is how Judith identifies and talks about her partner who has Alzheimer’s. I have heard that ‘love’ and remaining ‘in love’ is a conscious act.
“Judith reaffirms her love not only by calling her partner “My Love”, but by invoking that relationship and that emotion even in the midst of the hardest events and feelings.”
~ Robby Henes, a daughter and a caregiver,

“...She puts her heart and soul on every page.”
~ K. Long, caregiver, Alberta

As you are reaching out to share what the books meant to you, please know I still wish to connect, to share what I can with you. Contact me with questions or comments!!💝🥰🕊🙏

And more Comments

Your journey, as I’m reading, seems to parallel mine in some ways, and I’m so impressed how gently and compassionately you tell yours, and your loved one’s story. I especially loved how you handled relationships within your circle, and outside your role as caregiver. I love that you continually express concern for other caregivers, and offer helpful suggestions, while not comparing your struggles. You’re my hero!” ~ Donna Beaver, caregiver, Nova Scotia

I pray you know how special your talent put your thoughts and experience into words so well that others may feel like I did. That they aren’t alone..and that someone else understands.” ~ Facebook reader comment

…I can relate to so many things you’ve gone through. For example, my wife sometimes doesn’t believe I’m her husband and asks me when I’m going to leave. It helps me to know other people are experiencing the same thing…is comforting. I’m looking forward to reading your next book.”
George Salter, Spouse -caregiver

“… an intimate view of the author’s life as a caregiver: the challenges, joys and emotions. Shone’s detailed recollections make you feel like you are there with her in the moment, learning to accept what life throws our way with love and compassion. A thought provoking and enriching read.” ~ Amazon reader

“Heartfelt and helpful! The author shares an honest perspective of the daily trials and tribulations of caring for someone with memory loss. Her story is a true inspiration to those who suddenly find themselves in the role of caregiver. I look forward to reading her second book!” ~Suebedoo, former caregiver to mother, then father, Amazon reader

…so stunningly beautiful. I was compelled to bump it ahead of the other books I’m currently reading. Can’t wait to read the rest of your story in Book Two. You are one strong resilient human…” ~Genevieve Whitmire Burda, former Trustee with Western Carolina University,

“As I read, I feel we are talking. I am asking questions that you are answering. I have a friend who also will benefit from reading about your life of caring.  By the way, the U.S. paperback I received is definitely a “large print” easy to read book with better spacing than most large-print books.”  ~ Ruth A Hopkins, PhD, Adult Learning Specialist who believes “questions matter.”

“Judith writes such an honest account of caring for her loved one, sharing how activities like art and music can help not only the one being cared for–but the carer as well–cope with the challenges faced after a #dementia diagnosis.” ~ Vicki Tapia, author, Somebody Stole My Iron

… reading your book broke my heart. Thank you so much for your honesty, for telling the hard truth, for shedding a light on what our culture doesn’t want to see or talk about or know. I so appreciate you for all that it took for you to live every experience you described and didn’t describe, to write the book, get it published, and share it with the world. I honor you for continuing to live in such integrity. You and your book are a gift! I look forward to the day I can read the next one 😊 with love, appreciation, and admiration  😘😍💕” ~Betsy H.A.

“. . .you write from such a powerful yet vulnerable point of view as a caregiver to your loved one. Thank you for writing these powerful books, Judy. These are such a help to spouse/partner caregivers.”  
~ Jean Lee, author, Alzheimer’s Daughter

I have read your first book “Is There Any Ice Cream?” and highly recommend it! I look forward to your second book “Did You Hide The Cookies?” I could relate to so much in the book! It took away some of the quilt I feel realizing others thought the same way. It also gave me great ideas for situations that may come in our future as we travel down this horrible road of dementia. Thank you for the book and this blog.”  ~Eileen, Ontario

“I truly thought you were writing about my husband! So many similarities. It was uncanny to feel you had been watching through our windows because you knew exactly what had happened and how I felt!”
~ Jan, caregiver for husband, British Columbia

. . .Very well written, and [I] found out how much we have in common. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and am anxiously awaiting the author’s second book!” ~ M.Meile, Kindle reader, Colorado, US

“Your book, “Is There Any Ice Cream?” was loaned to me during the last year (of 8) I cared for my Mom with Alzheimer’s. I kept my promise to her  by keeping her home … and your book kept me sane on many a difficult day … “ ~ A.Richter., caregiver

“I have just become a caregiver and a friend gave me your book thinking it would help me with my confusion. I found it informative, insightful, and more emotional than I anticipated. Thank you for sharing your life with such honesty …” ~ E. Pattison, caregiver,

I have just finished reading  “Is There Any Ice Cream?” and would recommend it to anyone, whether they are in a caregiver position at the moment or not. It has excellent information on the services available and the need to get involved as soon as possible in group activities. I must thank Judy for writing this book and sharing her experiences, as I know it could not have been an easy journey. The book is also an eye opener for everyone on the devastating effects of memory loss and illness. It is truly inspirational!” ~Teri Nicholson Carruthers

Thank you for sharing your life of caring. 😊 I found quite a bit that seemed like the same path we’ve been on – I cried in some places because you were going through some of the same things. I hope other caregivers find your book! ~ Facebook reader comment

Written with such insight and compassion
about the day-to-day trials & joys!” ~AuthorWeek


Visit our caregiver blog: Accepting the Gift of Caregiving, where caregivers write for caregivers, where you will find caregiver tips, resources, stories, activities, that apply to the world of caregiving.


Taken from emails, online reviews, phone call comments, letters, and social media comments. To read more kind words about Is There Any Ice Cream? visit Caregiver Challenges site, Readers Say page.

The Comments © Judith Allen Shone 2019-2023

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